It’s hard

For the last two days it’s been pretty hard to get up in the morning.  Yesterday I didn’t want to get up because it was my first run.  I was afraid of it.  The last few times I’ve tried to run have been pretty disastrous.  I couldn’t go far, but I would push myself well beyond my limits.  That just contributed to exhaustion, and disgust with myself.  So I wasn’t looking forward to it.  But I got up anyway, although a little late.  This morning I was just too tired.  I seemed to have stayed up too late.  11 is too late for me if I’m getting up before 6.  Lesson learned; I’ll go to bed earlier.  I don’t need that to hinder me.
A friend and coworker of mine, Adam, suggested that my limits are mostly mental as opposed to physical.  That’s why I tried to swim longer this morning.  Perhaps they are.  I think that I am limited by my physique – maybe not as much as I previously thought, though.  That’s good.  I should pay close attention to what my body is “telling” me.  I don’t want to overdo it.  I know I can overwork myself; I’ve done it before.  It’s not fun.
Tomorrow I weigh in.  I’m excited to see what I’ve done this week.  You’ll see the result on my SkinnyR graph. :)

7/27/06 Workout – Swim

This morning’s swim was good.  I started by swimming 6 laps at a time without resting.  After the 1st quarter mile I checked my heartrate.  Itwas approximately 160.  I thought I might be able to go more, so I thought I’d try for 8 laps on the next quarter mile. I swam 8, and thought, “Wow.  I can do more. Maybe I’ll try for 10″ in the middle of the 8th lap.  So I swam to 10, and thought I could do even more.  I decided to see if I could make it the full 18 laps, 450 yards, ~1/4 mile.  I made it!  When I checked my heartrate, it was again approximately 160.  Apparently I’ve found a good rate of swimming.  I then did my final 1/4 mile all at once.  It was great.  I feel like my body is remembering how to be active.  My time for the 1/4 mile was 11:07 and 11:20.

Good swim!