Stevens Point YMCA Lactic Edge Triathlon

My Mother, Brother and I finished our first triathlon today.  It was exciting, fun, hard, exhausting, and rewarding all rolled up into one.  I finished in approximately 1 hour and 50 minutes, in 8th place among the Clydesdale category.  There were 11 or 12 of us.  Following are my experiences leading up to and including the triathlon itself.  […]

Excuses and Excuses

So i haven’t worked out since Tuesday.  Feel pretty crappy about it, too. Yesterday should have been a bike or run, but I went to bed too late Tuesday night.  Not enough sleep.  This morning I was going to bike, but it thunderstormed all night and morning.  Also, my wife woke me up and asked […]

Ankle’s away!

Well, the injury seems to be getting better, at least.  I thought about working out this morning, but I figured I’d give it one more day’s rest.  I have acquired a few new items, though.  The most exciting is that I have been loaned a bike by my good friend Jason.  He showed me how […]